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! Without a column

Choice Rules – RAM. Which is hidden behind the numbers from the technical characteristics

Choice Rules – RAM. Which is hidden behind the numbers from the technical characteristics In Gamemenia No. 4/2013, we launched a series of materials “Rules for choosing”, dedicated to the main technical parameters of computer iron. Despite the general name, each article is completely independent and talks not only about what characteristics a certain

Choice Rules – RAM. Which is hidden behind the numbers from the technical characteristics Leer más »

Bear on the server. Panda and Pokemon in World of Warcraft

Although Blizzcon is primarily intended for Blizzard fans, and not for the press, all guests of the exhibition are invariably expected from the hosts of at least some fresh announcements. On the sidelines, talking about possible new products most often crawled to discuss the mysterious Titan project, about which it is only known that it

Bear on the server. Panda and Pokemon in World of Warcraft Leer más »

We study the «Russian game» laptop Zet Ward M107. When Rus only smells…

In April, the network offline distribution distributor of digital and household appliances opened an internal unit oriented towards the release of gaming laptops and gaming periphery (from mice to armchairs). According to the unspoken tradition of the company, the name of the sub -brand was selected from three letters – zet. What does this mean,

We study the «Russian game» laptop Zet Ward M107. When Rus only smells… Leer más »

Awaken in a child a desire to learn

The cherished desire of parents is that their children, without fear of difficulties, study with enthusiasm! Experts encourage: there are effective strategies that allow us to motivate our child to study. Your child despair, faced with the first difficulty, inattentive, does not try? Teachers and psychologists confirm: modern children lose interest in learning everything earlier.

Awaken in a child a desire to learn Leer más »

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